Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's Official...

.... I've become addicted to re-purposing. After yesterday's dress, I went through my entire wardrobe and looked for anything I could use to re-purpose. This is what I ended up with:Believe it or not, the room was completely clean when I started. HA!
So, I didn't make another dress today, but I did make something else fun... A swimsuit cover-up! Since I'll be in California in a few weeks, I thought it would be a good idea to make something to hang out on the beach in. I bought a men's XL tank top at Wal-Mart for $4 and decided to give it a whirl.

For the straps, I wanted to make braids out of some scraps. So I cut strips in equal lengths, then braided them together like this:

Next I took a shirt that I liked the fit of, and laid it on top of the big-man-tank. I cut out around it, and that's when I stopped taking pictures. Haha!
Next I cut the shape I wanted for the neckline and a racer back. I sewed the straps on and attached a strip of blue jersey knit to the bottom to add a little length. The great thing about jersey is that you don't have to hem it! Perfect!

I LOVE the way it turned out, and it looks SUPER cute on. However, I wasn't sure it would be a good idea to model it on my blog, since it's basically a little minidress. It shows a LOT of leg (which, by the way, look pretty good these days... thanks to working out and tanning ;]) So I hung it on a hanger, and I'm sure you'll see pictures after vacation from when I was actually on the beach. Here's the front:
Close up of the straps.... LOVE!
Back view.
I'm just so excited to go to the beach!!!

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